Wrangell Port & Harbors
PO Box 531, Wrangell, AK 99929
p: 907-874-3736 | f: 907-874-3197

Wrangell Port & Harbors

The Harbor Master’s Office is located at the top of the ramp at Reliance Transient Float.  The Downtown Harbor basin also includes the Inner Harbor, Standard Oil and Fish & Game Floats. Showers and laundry facilities are found within a half a block of the Harbor Office. This basin is located within easy walking distance to downtown Wrangell where grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, library, post office and hardware stores are found.

A tidal grid is available on a first come, first served basis. Marine way and repairs are accessible. Heritage Harbor, a deep draft harbor located less than a mile south of the downtown area has 1,200 feet of open transient moorage. Wrangell has a Marine Repair Facility with a 330-ton lift capacity. The City of Wrangell Port & Harbors Department also manages Shoemaker Bay, located approximately 5 miles south of the city. Shoemaker Bay has RV facilities managed by Parks & Recreation, picnic tables, tent campsites, and access to hiking trails.


PO Box 531, Wrangell, AK 99929
Phone: 907-874-3736 or 907-874-3051
Fax: 907-874-3197

VHF 16

Now in its 47th year, Northwest Boat Travel is a unique cruising guide containing twenty geographically arranged chapters presenting descriptions and useful information about the ports-of-call, anchorages, bays, inlets, waterways, marine parks, marina and resort facilities, fuel docks, services, and things to see and do along coasts and islands of Washington, British Columbia, and Southeast Alaska.